RAUNISTULA 2 - Tube preamp

This pre is my first tube-based diy hifi gear. I have builded all kinds of SS gear before this,
but let's say this opened my eyes. (More likely ears.) I have recenty updated this preamp and it's
V2.0 is totally changed from the original (instructions published in Finnish Hifi magazine, Hifi-lehti).
There is now RIAA stage /w 2 ECC88s and zero oversampling dual TDA1541 DAC (not ready yet)
all buffered with E80CC output.

Controls: On left - Volume, On right - Input selector Tubes: Front row, Left: Tung Sol 5687 outputstage,
Right RCA 12AX7A 2nd Riaa-stage, Back row, Left: Philips EZ80 Rectifier, Right: Philips E80CC Linestage

Inside the preamp (v.1.0 - Pännäri Revenge): From left to right: Inputs and outputs, Power supply, Jensen output capasitors

Inside the preamp (v2.0 /wo DAC): From left to right: 1st pair of tubes: ECC80 Riaa stages, 2nd pair of tubes: B+ supply rectifier EZ80, e80cc buffer.
In middle: Power supply for DAC, heaters and relays, Right: Inputs and outputs
